June 22, 2012

Why I look like a lobster

I'm not here. You didn't see me. If anyone asks, I'm studying for the huge exam I have on Monday. But first, I just want to post some pictures of how beautiful life has been here in Rome lately. Yesterday I spent all day with my visiting friend from Chicago, biking aaall around Rome. What doesn't come across in the pictures is how agonizingly hot the sun has been here.
That's it. Enjoy! And I'm off... (insert puff of smoke here)

We wanted to park our bikes like the mopeds ;)


June 20, 2012

Pringle Lips

Last night the air was warm and sticky. Did that keep us from the beach? Eeeehm no

Our favorite statue
pondering the infinite.

June 18, 2012

Peace and Goodness in Assisi

I am one lucky girl. I spent ALL Sunday in Assisi with 3 friends, climbing its stone walls, frolicking though its hazy fields of olive trees, and daydreaming on its medieval rooftops.

I didn't take any pictures. My camera's been out of battery, which has been tortuure, but at the same time I think it has been good for me to just sit back and appreciate the beauty of what I see instead of obsessing over the perfect shot.

Luckily, Assisi has not changed a bit since 2010. So I hope these pictures from my last trip inspire someone to go!

June 15, 2012

Brucia, brucia, brucia

'The only people for me are the mad ones - the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars."

-Jack Kerouac

June 13, 2012

Back to the home of my heart

Yees, the Vatican.

My visiting friend (pictured below) and I got to see the Pope today at the Wednesday Papal Audience. It was beautiful, and unlike any other time I have gone before.
We were sitting literally in the middle of: a string orchestra from the Czech Republic, a huge traditional Mexican mariachi band, and a young boys choir from Finland.

I. Love. Cultures.

June 11, 2012

Un jour heureux

A friend of mine (who happens to have the same name and hair as me, teehe) is flying in today from Jerusalem to stay with me for a week in Rome. I love it when people come and visit; I love seeing people fall in love with Rome.

Jean Sablon has been playing all day here, as I've been sweeping and spraying my way around the flat. The sun is shining BRIGHT and the sea is a deep blue here on the coast of Italy.


June 10, 2012


A beautiful story. A beautiful movie.
I must admit I was skeptical walking into the theatre.
I’m not exactly what you would call a fan of Madonna, of her music, or anything that she’s done for that matter. And I was afraid that she would twist this timeless love affair into a looong, up-beat, sexed-up, 1930’s costume show with no depth.

I stand corrected. 

The film is mesmerizing, moving, and a piece of art to say the least.
The darkness of it, the melancholic moments, the constant swing between despair and sorrow, and hope and joy, the beauty of the screen writing, and the score composed by Abel Korzeniowski which evokes a prevailing sense of obsession, make this film absolutely beautiful.

I’ve found myself often in a daydream the last couple days, thinking about Wallis and Edward.
What makes the love story so intriguing, is that we will never know the truth.

"I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility, and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do, without the help and support of the woman I love." -King Edward VIII

June 8, 2012

Why I have abandoned my studies for the beach

"Thus you see, Sir, that these people are not so unpolished as we represent them.'Tis true, their magnificence is of a different taste from ours, and perhaps of a better. I am almost of opinion, they have a right notion of life. They consume it in music, gardens, wine, and delicate eating, while we are tormenting our brains with some scheme of politics, or studying some science to which we can never attain, or, if we do, cannot persuade other people to set that value upon it as we do ourselves†. We die or grow old before we can reap the fruit of our labours. Considering what short-lived weak animals men are, is there any study so beneficial as the study of present pleasure?"

- Lady Mary Wortley Pierrepoint Montagu

June 6, 2012

The Joys of Italian Babysitting: Ep. 2

The kids are finally asleep.
Their parents told them recently that they are moving to Mexico in July, and so they have definitely been on their best behavior, as they know we don't have a lot of time left together. I'm gonna miss these little rascals.
I already do.
I always miss people before their gone... weeeeird i know.

Tonight they drew me these pictures! Below is a portrait of me by Jose...

And this is from Ana. She wouldn't let me take a picture while she was drawing.

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